The COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) regulations requires that all substances which have an Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL) should be monitored to ensure that staff are not exposed to significant risk.

SMTL can provide monitoring services for many hazardous substances, and have a wealth of experience of gas & dust monitoring within the hospital environment to enable compliance with the COSHH regulations.

It is a legal requirement under the COSHH Regs to undertake environmental monitoring if you are using substances that have workplace exposure limits (WEL's).

Many of today's cold sterilants, for example, contain ingredients that have WEL's that require monitoring such as hydrogen peroxide & chlorine dioxide. SMTL can provide testing reinforced with a technical report to ensure compliance with the COSHH Regs.

WEL's can not be exceeded, and monitoring records have to be produced to the HSE (Health & Safety Executive) on request. At SMTL we've a wealth of experience that can be utilised in order to gain advice with regards to testing requirements of any substances you may have concerns with.


SMTL COSHH Monitoring services:

  • Fumes from cold sterilants in endoscopy departments

  • Hazardous dust in estates or plaster rooms

  • Help & guidance on current Workplace Exposure Limits

  • Help & guidance on potential substances requiring testing

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